Woman in sunglasses holding shopping bags while on smart phone
Posted by: Noted Retail

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Despite the rise of e-commerce being pitted against brick-and-mortar retail during the pandemic, some experts believe the future of retail is no longer about brick-and-mortar vs. online shopping. The real challenge is going to be personalizing the customer experience, regardless of whether its online or in-person. In an industry obsessed with putting consumers first, technology provides an abundance of opportunity to help retail brands provide personalized and relevant experiences that the modern consumer expects, and those expectations are high. The key for retailers to be relevant and understand what consumers want is data and leveraging key data and technologies effectively.

Coming out of the pandemic and looking at the prioritization of personalization, the biggest shift retailers need to be aware of is the move towards multi-touch omni-channel experiences driven by customer expectations who want to connect seamlessly with their favorite brands on their own terms yet have a consistent and personalized experience regardless of where and when they are interacting with brands.

Successful personalization for retailers in 2022 will depend on having robust, segmented data about customers, along with successful management of supply chain problems and materials shortages which has recently emerged as a challenge for retailers. The best brands today honor their shipping commitments and take ultimate responsibility for products making their way to the customer, including working to make things right even when problems are out of their control.